Posts tagged with textiles
Opportunity to support me
I have created a Ko-Fi account for those who have a little spare change and want to support my work and the studio. This could be as little as £3 towards my writing/weaving/making/whatever else you are interested by. The link can be found at the top of my website, or…
5 problems, 5 solutions and next steps
I have been thinking, wondering, pondering for a while about my practice and where to go from here. handweaving is an incredibly time intensive process and it takes a lot of skill and effort physically The first thing I have considered is this. During the past year I have been…
Why I fell out of love with my work…..
I realised that I was in a conundrum. I am a trained ecologist with experience working in the field of conservation and volunteering or working for organisations which are trying to help the environment. But the textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Everyday tonnes…
JWSD Autumn Feature
After participating in the Alison Morton Residency at Ruthin Craft Centre in March, I was featured in the Autumn Issue of The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. If you haven’t got a copy- here is the feature.
Crafts Council Video
The Crafts Council are featuring a video of my work and practice as one of their chosen makers. Focussing on makers who use sustainable materials, link and connect to the environment or who are sustainable makers with their practice. Watch it here and let me know what you think!
Residency updates
The work and research I did whilst at Ruthin Craft Centre and on my residency with The Theo Moorman Trust will be shared and collated on my website and on my instagram page. Keep in the loop and up to date to learn more and see some wonderful findings!